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£1 from every bill at Grand Jersey Terrace going to Friends of SCBU

£1 from every bill at Grand Jersey Terrace going to Friends of SCBU

Tuesday 07 June 2016

£1 from every bill at Grand Jersey Terrace going to Friends of SCBU

Tuesday 07 June 2016

To celebrate the re-opening of its terrace bar and dining area, Grand Jersey Hotel & Spa will be donating £1 from every table’s bill until 12th June to Friends of SCBU.

Martin Kelly, General Manager of Grand Jersey Hotel & Spa, said: “We have supported Friends of SCBU for a number of years now and we are constantly looking for ways in which we can help to raise funds for this local charity.

"Those visiting The Terrace at Grand Jersey next week can not only celebrate the arrival of summer but also help a very worthy cause at the same time.”

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