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New Chair and committee members join Association of Jersey Charities

New Chair and committee members join Association of Jersey Charities

Thursday 18 July 2024

New Chair and committee members join Association of Jersey Charities

Thursday 18 July 2024

The new Chair of the Association of Jersey Charities has welcomed three new members to the committee.

Marcus Liddiard said he was "delighted" about the appointments of Adrian Franklin, Peggy Gielen and Karen Lysiak after they were voted in by AJC members from across Jersey's charity sector at the organisation's recent AGM.

The appointments come after three sitting officers stood down: Chair Kevin Keen OBE, Nichola Brennan and Simon Larbalestier.

Adrian Franklin, who has experience as a senior financial services industry professional, has a Postgraduate Diploma in Charity Accounting and Financial Management and experience of working in an organisation in the UK with similar aims to the AJC.


Pictured: Adrian Franklin is one of three new AJC committee members.

Peggy Gielen, who has professional experience in public governance, policy formulation and fostering strategic partnerships across public and private sectors, is currently a legal and technical manager with Jersey Finance.

Karen Lysiak is a HR Consultant with HR Now, and has already been working with the AJC as an independent member of its Grants Committee for the past year.

Thanking the outgoing AJC members, Mr Liddiard said he was "delighted" about the recent appointments.


Pictured: Peggy Gielen will use her public governance background in her new role at AJC.

Describing the trio as "exceptional", he said they will "undoubtedly play a valuable role as we continue to champion the local charity sector, support the amazing work it does, and act as the voice of local charitable organisations in what continues to be a challenging period".

On his departure from the AJC, Mr Keen said: "It has been a privilege to have served on the committee of such a fantastic organisation as the AJC."


Pictured: Karen Lysiak has already been involved with the AJC for a year.

"I feel we have made some excellent progress over the past few years – highlighting the fundraising challenges faced by the sector through our members survey, promoting regular giving and championing the concept of legacy donations, to name but a few," he added.

"I'm keen to continue to support the good work of the AJC now, in a voluntary capacity."

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