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Law At Work expands offering with new acquisition

Law At Work expands offering with new acquisition

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Law At Work expands offering with new acquisition

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Law At Work has acquired fellow people, employment and business consultancy firm Insight.

Simon Nash, owner of Insight, will also join LAW as a director under the acquisition, bringing with him experience in the ethical management of people at work, culture and leadership development.

The Insight team have joined LAW at their offices in Seale Street. LAW said Insight’s existing clients will benefit from the team’s "access to a wider range of services and associated businesses to enhance their service offerings to their clients".

Kelly Flageul, Group Executive Chair of LAW, said: “Post-pandemic, we have been looking for ways to future-proof our business, and we believe Insight will help us do so. 

“Insight has been making waves in the thought leadership, culture, and ethical landscapes in recent years, and we are delighted that Simon and his team will be joining the LAW group. I have known Simon for many years and believe that his expertise and passion will help LAW bring us closer to our goal of making people matter. We already have some exciting ideas in the pipeline that we hope to announce later this year.” 

Simon Nash, Director of Insight Limited, added that he was "excited to be joining LAW".

"We believe this is going to be transformative for the ethical management of people at work in organisations and excellent for clients in the Channel Islands and beyond, a fresh opportunity for those businesses we haven’t yet worked with," he said.

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