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New Head of Compliance at Deutsche Bank

New Head of Compliance at Deutsche Bank

Thursday 25 September 2014

New Head of Compliance at Deutsche Bank

Thursday 25 September 2014

Deutsche Bank has appointed Nadia Lewis to the position of Head of Channel Islands Compliance.

A practising solicitor and MBA graduate from the London Metropolitan Business School, she joins Deutsche Bank from the RBS Group, where she most recently held the position of Head of Conduct Standards for RBS Group Compliance in London.

Returning to Jersey, where she was educated and worked for a number of years, Ms Lewis brings with her significant expertise in a broad range of legal, secretariat, regulatory risk and compliance issues.

Her appointment follows the announcement that Linda Warner has been made the Regional Head for Compliance within the Middle East and North Africa region for the bank in Dubai. In her previous role overseeing Deutsche Bank’s compliance function in the Channel Islands, she developed excellent relations with the regulators and other stakeholders in both Jersey and Guernsey. During this time, she also successfully built a team that provided a robust, internationally-integrated compliance function for Deutsche Bank’s Channel Islands business divisions.

Andreas Tautscher, Chief Country Officer for Deutsche Bank in the Channel Islands, said: "With Nadia’s wealth of experience in compliance related issues, we are confident that her skills will allow us to further build on the success already realised through Linda’s hard work. The guidance, perspective and expertise that Nadia will bring to Deutsche Bank make her a valuable new addition to the team in the Channel Islands team, where we aspire to a culture of total integrity towards our clients and operational discipline in partnership with the regulators. Meanwhile, we thank Linda for her hard work and commitment in providing support for all business lines in the Channel Islands and wish her every success in her new and exciting position in Dubai.”

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