Family Nursing and Home Care are hosting a wellbeing conference entitled ‘Valuing Care: Valuing Wellbeing’ on Friday 6th May 2022 at the Pomme D’Or hotel between 08:30 and 17:00.
The conference includes a range of guest speakers including Dr Crystal Oldman, Chief Executive of the Queen’s Nursing Institute, and Beverley Le Cuirot, Director of Wellbeing World and Wellbeing at Work. Across a full day of presentations and activities, the session aims to explore how colleague wellbeing should be structured and prioritised in the workplace in order to ensure colleagues feel encouraged, enabled and supported.
FNHC stated:
“A healthy organisational culture is one where open and honest communication exists at all levels, and where staff feel encouraged, enabled and supported to deal with the often difficult and highly complex situations they face when caring for others. It is one where mistakes are understood, where a blame culture is not allowed to flourish and where mutual respect is established.”
FNHC CEO Rosemarie Finley commented:
“We believe that the wellbeing of islanders is critical in developing a healthy and happy community. Our conference will focus on the tools and strategies which individuals and organisations can deploy to enhance wellbeing and develop resilience.”
Event details:
Key conference speakers:
● Rosemarie Finley - CEO of Family Nursing & Home Care
● Crystal Oldman - Wellbeing in the workforce
● Beverly Le Cuirot - Managing Stress & Burnout
● Claire White - Trim & StRaW
● Roy Lilly - Political Analyst
● Paul Devlin & Nicola Pointer - The Science of Power and Kindness
Afternoon workshops:
● Yolanda de Saez - Tap away the Tiger
● Tai-Chi for Health
● Frazer Bentley
To find out more and sign up, follow the link below: