The Nystagmus Golf day tournament was recently held at the Royal Jersey Golf Club in good conditions, an event that raised over £6,000 for the Nystagmus Network registered charity.
48 players took part with an individual and team prize. The individual category winner was Stephan Le Brun and the team prize was won by Jack Le Brun, Hannah Scriven, Harry Cardwell and Greg Symberlist.
The players enjoyed an excellent lunch at the clubhouse followed by a raffle and auction of items donated by individuals and organisations in the Island.
James Singleton, the event organiser and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Nystagmus Network charity,thanked everyone for their support and hoped the event would continue to grow.
He went on to say that Nystagmus is a congenital visual impairment which affects one child in every thousand at birth but can be identified in adults in later life.
There is presently no cure for this condition and the charity promotes research and by funding hospitals to buy specialist equipment such as CROM machines as well as supporting families with children suffering from the condition. He said it was important to promote awareness of this rare condition and the work of the charity.
Details of the work of the charity can be found at