Digital Jersey has been working with the States of Jersey’s (SoJ’s) Information Services (IS) department to review the way that government sources technology and related services. In response to a paper on IS Sourcing published by SoJ, Digital Jersey consulted with members of industry to provide feedback and recommendations on how industry and government can best work together to maximise value for the island.
Today, SoJ spends £23 million each year on IS, with the goal of delivering effective and efficient public services that meet the needs of taxpayers and businesses. This budget is likely to grow to meet the demands of the government reform programme, especially the move to an eGovernment model. Other major programmes, not least the development of the new hospital, will also increase IS spend.
In the context of these factors, key recommendations and observations by Digital Jersey include:
Paul Masterton, Executive Chair of Digital Jersey, commented:
“Digital Jersey welcomes the request from SoJ to engage with industry and the improving relationship between the two. Promoting and maintaining a collaborative relationship will be key to delivering important services to the island, as well as making the most out of the opportunities that eGovernment offers the digital economy.
It is currently estimated that 25% of the total IS spend flows off-island, which is a significant amount of potential revenue for local industry. Working more closely with government to meet its IS needs represents a real opportunity for us to grow our skills base, our industry and, ultimately, the economy. By helping SoJ to deliver greater success in scoping, procuring and implementing IS programmes, we can all benefit.”