The annual House Drama Competition took place on Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th October. Appreciative audiences enjoyed short extracts from plays chosen and directed by students.
Students did not shy away from challenging themes and used drama to convey some important messages about mental health, crime and disability. The range of plays on offer was very diverse, from poignant comedies such as Too Fast by Douglas Maxwell to dark fairy tales like The Red Shoes by Emma Rice and Grimm Tales by Carol-Ann Duffy and Tim Supple. Finally, Wheels by Chloe CD was a moving drama about disability and our attitudes towards it.
Garrett Anderson took the award for best play presenting the hard-hitting play ‘Blackout’ with great sensitivity. ‘Blackout’, by Davey Anderson, tells the story of James whose life spirals out of control and leads to him being radicalised by far-right extremism.
Brooke Le Breton from Inglis House won the prize for Best Director with her rendition of ‘Find Me’ by Olwen Wymark. ‘Find Me’ deals with the issue of mental health and how it was is now treated in our society.
The House plays were judged by radio presenter, Ashlea Tracey and Drama teachers, Paul Adams and Natasha Stone.
Head of Drama at JCG, Caroline Stone, commented:
‘I’m always impressed by the standard of the plays produced by the students, particularly as they involve all year groups and receive very little help from teachers. The students learn so much and thoroughly enjoy the experience, in fact, they are already planning what they are going to do next year – there’s no stopping them! ‘
The overall results:
1st - Garrett Anderson – Blackout
2nd - Inglis – Find Me
3rd - Cavell – The Red Shoes
4th= Curie Fry- Wheels, Nightingale – Too Fast, Austen Bartlett – Grimm Tales