Youngsters who have been learning to play golf at school in a joint initiative between ABN AMRO and two Guernsey golf professionals will pit their skills against one another later this month.
The ABN AMRO Inter Schools Cup will give secondary school children who have been learning the sport at school the chance to play in a fun competition.
‘Following the Guernsey Sports Commission’s fantastic tri-golf initiative with the junior schools four years ago, ABN AMRO collaborated with Matt Groves and myself to provide access to the game to students currently in secondary education,’ said Phil Sykes, PGA golf professional.
‘It’s been fantastic to see so many more younger participants within the community taking up the sport and using the local courses and driving ranges over the last five years. But we felt that there were still so many more people we could offer the sport out to.
‘The objective is not to particularly source talent into the game, but showcase how much fun you can have playing the game and what avenues it can provide as they grow and enter into the workplace and family relationships. So many workforces play golf together and there is an increasing number of young couples playing the game together. If we can provide the key core skills that these students will need to help them through these pathways, then we will have done our job.’
Judy Snell, marketing and business development coordinator at ABN AMRO, added: ‘ABN AMRO has supported the golf school for a number of years. With the schools programme, we wanted to encourage more secondary school-aged children to get involved and take part in a healthy activity. Some of these youngsters may not be aware that there is a golf programme for their age group on the island, and this way it gives them a chance to try it within school and see if they like it, which is great.’
The ABN AMRO Inter Schools Cup, involving pupils and teachers, will take place at St Pierre Park on 19 May.