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Affordable homes development to go ahead in St. Martin

Affordable homes development to go ahead in St. Martin

Saturday 23 December 2017

Affordable homes development to go ahead in St. Martin

Saturday 23 December 2017

Plans to build 20, three-bedroom, semi-detached, affordable homes in a field on la Grande Route de Faldouet close to St. Martin's built-up area have been approved by the Planning Committee.

This is the second application for the scheme, after a previous one was refused because of the harm the development might cause to neighbouring properties.

To mitigate the harm to other properties, Morris Architects redistributed some of the units on the site. They decided to get rid of garages who were meant to be built at the east of the site and moved the car park further away from the houses. Other units were either relocated or moved to provide a greater distance between existing properties. 

The development includes a small number of different house types which will be broadly similar in style. Built with local granite details and small elements of red bricks, they will have pitched roofs and fake chimneys, in keeping with the local context.

As part of the development, St. Martin's Housing Association, who submitted the application, will be providing a new bus shelter. The Association also contacted St. Martin's school who confirmed they would be able to welcome any additional students who might move in the new homes.

St Martin Affordable homes site

Pictured: The field were the affordable homes will be built. (Google Maps)

St Martin’s constable, Michel Le Troquer, supported the application saying it was "...a longstanding project from the Housing Association."

The scheme was approved unanimously by all six members sitting on the committee. Chairman Juliette Gallichan noted that the issues had been addressed " such a way that the residents who were previously affected by the scheme hadn't felt the need to come forward and speak against it this time." Deputy Scott Wickenden, who lives in the area, said he was looking forward to having more residents move in what he described as a "great place." 

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