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“Children with just a runny nose should still go to school”

“Children with just a runny nose should still go to school”

Monday 07 September 2020

“Children with just a runny nose should still go to school”

Monday 07 September 2020

Children with normal cold-like symptoms do not need to be tested for covid and should go to school if they can, according to new Government guidelines.

With the schools going back last week and summer turning into autumn, all parents and carers will receive fresh advice this week on spotting the difference between the common cold and covid.

The symptoms of covid-19, listed on and on banners around the island, include “respiratory symptoms besides cough such as a sore throat, blocked or runny nose."

Covid banner.jpeg

Pictured: Official guidance on the symptoms of covid-19 include a blocked or runny nose, which are both also associated with a common cold.

With the last two indicators also being associated with a common cold, the Government wants to avoid parents keeping their children at home unnecessarily. 

To give greater clarity, Deputy Medical Officer of Health Dr Ivan Muscat will be writing to all parents and carers this week to explain the difference between the symptoms of common colds and covid-19 to help parents decide when they should keep their children off school.  

It is understood that Dr Muscat will reiterate that parents, teachers and careers remain vigilant for the symptoms of covid and understand what actions we should take if someone develops them, either at school or at home.

 The letter will list the main symptoms to be aware of as:

  • a new continuous cough;
  • a fever and/or high temperature;
  • and change or loss of smell and/or taste.


Pictured: Deputy Medical Officer of Health Dr Ivan Muscat is writing to all parents and carers this week.

Dr Muscat writes: “If a young person or a child in your care develops any of these three main symptoms, they should self-isolate and you should call the coronavirus helpline on 445566 as soon as possible to get advice and arrange a test. 

“Diarrhoea and vomiting can also be a feature of covid-19 and are more common in children than adults.

“It is essential that pupils who have covid-19 symptoms do not attend school, nursery or other childcare settings, and must self-isolate along with all members of their household.  

“Children who share a household with an individual who has covid-19 symptoms should also stay at home pending investigation of the symptomatic individual.

“If the test on the symptomatic individual is negative, self-isolation can end for everyone. If the test is positive, the contact tracing team will contact you and give you further advice.

“If, however, your child does not have any of the three main symptoms of covid-19 but has other cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose, they do not need to be tested and they and you do not need to self-isolate. Your child can go to school if fit to do so.”

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