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From fishy flip-flops to naughty knitting... top five charity shop finds

From fishy flip-flops to naughty knitting... top five charity shop finds

Wednesday 26 June 2024

From fishy flip-flops to naughty knitting... top five charity shop finds

Wednesday 26 June 2024

A second-hand shopping veteran is using the power of social media to spread the love for local charity shops by sharing her favourite weird, wonderful and bargainous finds online.

Earlier this month, Fiona Walker started a social media initiative to promote Jersey's charity shops and attract new customers.

The bargain enthusiast set up Instagram and Facebook pages under the name 'Upstylejersey24' to showcase interesting items online.

After having volunteered at Cancer Research UK on Halkett Place for several years, Fiona wanted to help people discover "fantastic bargains" and change perceptions about second-hand buying.

“I wanted to do something different for charity in Jersey, so I decided to work on promoting our wonderful charity shops,” she explained.

"My mission is just to get more people into charity shops over here because I think they're brilliant.

"There's nothing not to like,"

For those new to charity shopping, Ms Walker offered some advice.

“Take your time," she said.

"You have to go through quite a lot of stuff to find what is right for you or what you really like.

"But equally, it's the fun of finding something unexpected.

"And maybe take someone with you, someone who's gone thrifting before."

Fiona's top five charity shop finds...

1. Belly dancing top


"I really think you can get just about anything in a charity shop...I was in CRY the other day and they had a belly dancing top!

"Someone must have brought it home from a holiday somewhere exotic and then...well, goodness knows!

"Perhaps they practised their belly dancing moves for a while and then got bored, perhaps it was one of those impulse buys that never get used once you're back home or perhaps it was an unwanted gift!

"Whatever the history, it eventually ended up in a charity shop.

"Someone asked me to grab it for them to wear at Glastonbury this summer, but they were too late, another customer got there first.

"It always amazes me that you can find such random and unexpected things, and you never know exactly what's going to catch your attention when you start having a rummage!"

2. "Beautiful" glassware


"I love seeing some of the beautiful glassware that is regularly donated to charity shops, but it also makes me slightly sad.

"These beautiful crystal objects have probably been gathering dust in someone's display cabinet for years and years, saved for special occasions and seldom used.

"Then, eventually, when the inevitable happens, a house is cleared out and possessions that once held a special significance are no longer valued.

"I like buying old cut glass vases and, when we're invited out to dinner with friends, I give them flowers – complete with the vase to hold them in – as a thank you."

3. Fishy flip-flops


"Two of the strangest things I've come across have been in the Hospice shop in town.

"The first was a pair of jelly shoes, but not your ordinary jellies.

"These were in the shape and style of two large fish!

"'m not sure that they would be very comfortable to wear, but they'd certainly be a talking point!

"I loved the way that they were displayed, in a frame hanging on the wall; I've never seen jellyfish quite like those before!"

4. Naughty knitters


"The other odd one was a little book with instructions for knitting your own Kama Sutra!

"It promised twelve playful projects for naughty knitters...who would have thought that knitting was such a raunchy hobby?

"I've got an image of a secret knitter surreptitiously slipping into the store to buy this book and then sneaking out, looking very furtive, with their purchase disguised in a brown paper bag! We could see a whole new genre of post box toppers in the future...""

4. The best bargain

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"The best bargain I have seen was a designer top for £1!

"The store had several designer items in it, but at more realistic prices.

"Clothes that hadn't sold were being reduced and, somehow, a Diane von Furstenburg top ended up on the £1 rail.

"I'm not going to say which shop it was'll have to try them all and see what bargains you can find for yourself!"

To explore more finds, follow Fiona at @Upstylejersey24 on Instagram and Facebook.

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