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WATCH: Fundraising duo to dive into 30 bays challenge... in one day

WATCH: Fundraising duo to dive into 30 bays challenge... in one day

Thursday 20 July 2023

WATCH: Fundraising duo to dive into 30 bays challenge... in one day

Thursday 20 July 2023

Jersey Hospice's '30 Bays in 30 Days' may seem tough enough for some, but one local couple is planning to blow us all out of the water by completing the challenge in just one day... on top of the regular fundraiser.

Debbie and Richard Prosser have already swum in more than 30 bays this month and are planning on completing a one-day version of the challenge this Sunday (23 July) – though they are "apprehensive" about the cold.

While plotting their adventure, they enlisted the help of skipper Patrick Newton – or Patch – at Jersey Seafaris, who will be driving their Rib boat.

Patch’s dad James will also be helping out, and Richard and Debbie will be able to meet family and friends along the way to get dry towels.

Aiming to complete 30 strokes in each bay – 15 away from the boat and 15 back to the boat – they will be on a whirlwind tour of the 30 bays. Luckily, they are familiar with most of the bays on the list from having completed the challenge in the past.

The company offered them a ride around the island for free, so Debbie and Patrick will be donating the money they are saving on a Rib boat to Sanctuary Trust and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust. Debbie is a trustee of Sanctuary Trust and Richard is a chef de gardiens at Durrell.

Watch: Debbie and Richard introduce their challenge... from the Minquièrs

They said that after a trial run, they expected the biggest challenge to be the sea temperature.

"I’m apprehensive, I’m not so sure that I’m going to be able to complete it," Debbie said.

"If we do it, we’ll be absolutely ecstatic."

The route they have planned on Sunday starts at St. Catherine’s Bay at 8am, goes around the island and finishes at Les Ecréhous.

"If we do it we might open a bottle of champagne," Richard added.

Alongside their donation to Sanctuary Trust and Durrell, Debbie and Richard are fundraising for the National Trust and Jersey Hospice Care, which 30 Bays in 30 Days is organised for.


Debbie and Richard are competitive, so their fundraising pages are separate.

Richard is just shy of the halfway point to his fundraising target of £1,000 and you can support him here.

Debbie is nearly three quarters of the way towards her £1,000 target, and you can donate here.

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