Saturday 28 September 2024
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Donations needed "more than ever" for homeless charity's 15,000 tin bid

Donations needed

Saturday 28 September 2024

Donations needed "more than ever" for homeless charity's 15,000 tin bid

Saturday 28 September 2024

From tinned meat to fish, vegetables, fruit and soup... islanders are being urged to support the homeless community by donating any tins of in-date food they can.

Next Friday (4 October) marks the Shelter Trust's 15th annual 'Tinathon', which will see volunteers take to West's Centre to collect food supplies to be distributed in parcels.

The charity – which provides accommodation across eight locations –is aiming to collect 15,000 tins, which they say are needed "more than ever" following a spike in demand for their services in recent years.

"Every single tin makes a difference"

Richard Robins, who leads the Tinathon organising team, emphasised the increased need for donations: “This year, more than ever, we need the support of our community."

"We don’t just provide support from our eight premises. Demand for Shelter’s outreach services and food packages has risen significantly over the past few years with more than 1,500 food parcels delivered last year and demand for these increasing," he added.


Pictured: Last year the charity provided approximately 100,000 meals and 1,500 food parcels. (Jon Guegan)

"Every single tin makes a difference. We’re asking everyone to come together and help us reach and hopefully exceed our goal of 15,000 tins. With your support, we can continue to provide much-needed help to those who need it most.”

Sponsored by LGT Wealth Management, the Tinathon will run from 08:00 until 14:30 and live entertainment will be provided by local groups including Victoria College Prep choir.

20 schools have already started collecting and others schools and workplaces are encouraged to do the same. The charity will collect large donations of over 50 tins up to three days before the event or they can be brought to West Centre on the day.

Donations can also be left at various local shops and community spaces which are listed below:

  • All Waitrose stores

  • All Alliance stores

  • Co-Op Grand Marche St Helier (available throughout October)

  • Communicare St Brelade

  • The National Trust office at The Elms

  • Good Companions Club 

  • Local churches


The Shelter Trust for Jersey supports around 125 people every night at their eight sites across the island. In 2023, the Trust provided approximately 100,000 meals and 1,500 food parcels.

If you cannot donate in person, the charity also accept 'e-tin' donations of £1 per tin on their JustGiving Page.

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