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Potential carers 'pop up' during fostering drive

Potential carers 'pop up' during fostering drive

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Potential carers 'pop up' during fostering drive

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Dozens of new foster carers could start training this summer, following a major recruitment drive by Jersey’s Fostering and Adoption team.

Almost thirty people visited their 'pop-up' shop in Halkett Place to find out more about fostering and adoption, and how they could be paid to look after a child at home.

Team manager for Fostering and Adoption Jersey Emmy Lindsey said: “We were very pleased with the response to our pop up shop last week. We had about 25 to 30 people who made enquiries in the shop. 18 of these have requested first visits from one of our team, which is the next step; 15 of these are interested in fostering and 3 are interested in adoption. We are happy with this result and will be running pre-approval training for these prospective carers in June or July.”

47 approved foster parents are already helping take care of children and young people in the Island but the service needs more and hopes the Health department’s new skills based payment system will encourage more carers to sign up. As well as the weekly expense allowance that carers already receive, they will get paid depending on their experience and skills, but it could be as much as £275 a week.

Mrs Lindsey said: “As well as a fostering allowance, which provides for the day to day cost of looking after a child, further payment is available to carers who have gained experience of fostering and have undertaken relevant training. It’s up to you how far you want to go; if you wish to, you can develop a genuine career in care by fostering a child.

“If you foster a child with Fostering and Adoption Jersey, you’ll become part of a professional team which works to support you 24/7. The Fostering and Adoption team will provide ongoing training, supervision and support, which will help carers to develop particular skills and abilities to look after children and young people with challenging behaviours and complex needs.”

The pop up shop was part of the annual drive in Jersey to recruit more foster carers, which coincides with the UK’s Fostering Fortnight  - the national awareness raising campaign.

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