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Fire Service help farm friend stuck in the moo-dle

Fire Service help farm friend stuck in the moo-dle

Thursday 31 August 2017

Fire Service help farm friend stuck in the moo-dle

Thursday 31 August 2017

The Fire and Rescue Service were a-moosed this morning after being called out to a cow with its head stuck under a water tanker trailer.

After receiving the call at 11:25 from a St John farm, six White Watch personnel were moo-bilised to the scene in a fire engine.

Despite having en-cow-ntered an error and sustaining swelling to her neck and jaw, which prevented the crew from simply guiding her head back out, the female farm animal remained calm throughout the 20-minute operation.


Pictured: The team work hard to retrieve the trapped cow. (Fire and Rescue Service)

Following discussions with the farm manager, the Fire team unbolted the tanker from the trailer chassis, while farmhands put a telescopic handler in place to lift the tank. 

Injuries and drama aside, once freed, the Fire crew reported: “The cow seemed otherwise unaffected by her ordeal and was just keen to get back to the rest of herd.” Good moos indeed.

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