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Running club launched to support teenage girls

Running club launched to support teenage girls

Thursday 05 September 2024

Running club launched to support teenage girls

Thursday 05 September 2024

A new non-competitive running club is set to launch next week to provide a safe and inclusive environment for teenage girls.

'See Her Run' is aimed at girls in school years 10-13 who would like to run twice a week with other teens.

The group will be officially launching at the Run for Kezia event next Sunday 15 September after it was announced that this would be the last year of the annual fundraiser.

See Her Run is aimed at those graduating from Jersey Sport’s 'Couch to 5k' scheme, or for any girl who wants to run for at least 30 minutes at any pace.

Run by volunteers who are interested in running or qualified in running fitness with British Athletics, the group was launched following a successful application to the Supportin Sport Fund.

Ceri Tinley, Founder of See Her Run, said: “While Jersey has plenty of adult run clubs, the only ones available for younger runners are competitive.

We want to do something different for teenage girls who might not want to go down that route by encouraging them to run twice a week while spending time together.

"We hope this will remove any barriers to running and regular exercise and the Jersey Support in Sport Grant will allow us to help anyone finding it difficult to get involved.”

Membership to See Her Run is free and meetings will be at 16:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week, starting from Tuesday 17 September.

Training opportunities in running fitness will also be available for female runners aged 18-25 to help lead the sessions.

Alex Ruddy, the Race Director of Run for Kezia, commented: “Aside from fundraising to support initiatives on island to promote good mental health in our young people, we have always been motivated to encourage young people to get fresh air and exercise.

Both have proven benefits, and we are delighted to see this initiative aimed at young women to provide a safe, supportive space to exercise." 

You can find out more about See Her Run HERE.

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