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Gov examines "potential options" for Haut du Mont site

Gov examines

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Gov examines "potential options" for Haut du Mont site

Wednesday 26 June 2024

The Government and Andium Homes have examined "potential options" for the Haut du Mont site – but "no decisions will be taken" ahead of discussions with the bereaved families and displaced residents, the Housing Minister has revealed.

Deputy Sam Mézec stressed that the views of those affected by the tragedy are "central to shaping any future plans" for the site.

The nine residents who died in the Pier Road explosion in December 2022 were 72-year-old Peter Bowler, Raymie Brown (71), Romeu and Louise De Almeida (67 and 64 years), Derek and Sylvia Ellis (61 and 73 years), Ken and Jane Ralph (72 and 71 years) and 63-year-old Billy Marsden.

Kathy McGinness (73), who lived in an adjacent block at Haut de Mont, was injured as a result of the explosion and died at the General Hospital on Christmas Day that year.

More than 40 islanders were also forced to leave their homes due to damage sustained in the explosion.

What will happen to the site?

In September, an order was signed allowing for the demolition of the most severely damaged blocks of flats left standing.

Pier Road, which had been closed from the junction with South Hill to Mount Bingham following the tragedy, was reopened in April.


Pictured: Pier Road had been closed from the junction with South Hill to Mount Bingham following the tragedy at Haut du Mont.

In a written question to Deputy Mézec, St Helier South Deputy David Warr asked if progress had been made regarding "the future of the Haut du Mont site", following discussions between the new Government and the displaced residents and bereaved families.

Deputy Mézec answered: "Discussions and examination of potential options have taken place between the Government and Andium Homes about the Haut du Mont site, but no decisions will be taken until we speak to the bereaved families and displaced residents to ensure their views are central to shaping any future plans."

What about the police investigation?

In April, Police Chief Robin Smith revealed that the force was “nearing the conclusion” of their investigation into the Haut du Mont explosion, known as Operation Spire.

It has involved 1,878 lines of inquiry, with 1,078 statements taken, 1,787 exhibits collected and 6,526 documents generated for analysis.


Pictured: Police Chief Robin Smith recently revealed that the force was nearing the end of the investigation into the blast.

Mr Smith also said that the three suspects arrested last year in August on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter had been interviewed again.

A decision on charges is expected by the end of the year.


Memorial garden and housing "likely" to feature at Haut du Mont site

Damaged Haut du Mont blocks set to be demolished

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