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Gov Comms Director takes lead on high-value residency scheme

Gov Comms Director takes lead on high-value residency scheme

Friday 21 June 2024

Gov Comms Director takes lead on high-value residency scheme

Friday 21 June 2024

The Government’s Communications Director is temporarily taking responsibility for the scheme attracting new businesses and high-net-worth individuals to the island.

Dirk Danino-Forsyth (pictured top), who has led the Government’s Press Office and strategic communications since 2019, was seconded to Locate Jersey in May.

He takes over the role of Head of High Value Residency from Kevin Lemasney, who is retiring at the end of June after more than a decade in the role.

Mr Danino-Forsyth will remain in post until at least the end of the year.

Before his role in Jersey, Mr Danino-Forsyth held positions in the UK government, including Head of Strategic Communications for International Security and Defence Projects at the UK Prime Minister and Cabinet Office Communications Team.

He has also worked in public affairs and technology in Tel Aviv.

Martyn White, who previously deputised in the communications role, will become Acting Director of Communications in Mr Danino-Forsyth's absence.

While an article on the Locate Jersey website suggested that Mr Danino-Forsyth was taking on the role on a permanent basis, the Government confirmed that the arrangement was ‘interim’ and is only expected to last until the end of the year.

Asked by Express what appointment process had taken place, officials said that it was not necessary to advertise or undertake formal recruitment because the role is a secondment. The Locate Jersey website was later updated.

It comes as the cost and size of the Government’s Communications Unit continues to come under scrutiny, with Ministers seeking to reduce the headcount of back-office roles.

Chief Minister Lyndon Farnham has cited the Communications Department, Cabinet Office and roles in senior and middle management among the potential areas where “re-sizing” of staff numbers could occur.

The Communications Unit has cost £5m to run over the past two years.

As of autumn 2023, there were more than 30 people working in the unit, with salaries averaging £62,000.


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