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Grouville preps for £450,000 parish hall repairs

Grouville preps for £450,000 parish hall repairs

Thursday 17 August 2023

Grouville preps for £450,000 parish hall repairs

Thursday 17 August 2023

Grouville is preparing for one of its largest ever capital projects at the end of this month – £450,000 repairs to its Parish Hall roof and adjacent caretaker's lodge.

The bill is to be paid using funds raised through Maison Le Maistre, the parish's sheltered housing development.

This will mean the cost of the repair works will have no impact on ratepayers, according to the parish.

The use of the funds was agreed at a Parish Assembly meeting earlier this week.

Parishioners were told that, last year, the Parish had ascertained through historic minutes and the translation of deeds dating back to 1988 that there appeared to be no restriction on use of funds generated through Maison Le Maistre, and that Grouville's intention was to create a property reserve fund using £600,000 in surpluses.

The repair works are expected to take 16 weeks – lasting from Tuesday 29 August into the month of December.

The works will involve a historical buildings consultant, Antony Gibb Limited, and building contractor W Horn Brothers Ltd.

Constable Mark Labey commented: "The roof project is one of the largest in the Parish's history, and I'm sincerely grateful that the work is in the assured hands of some of the island’s most respected experts on historical building projects."

The repairs have been in the pipeline since 2013, when it was established that the roof had been damaged and needed repairs.


Pictured: Constable Mark Labey.

Mr Labey said: "I am both relieved and grateful that we have the funds available through the Maison le Maistre development to call upon, and I am grateful to the Parish teams and, particularly, the independent Working Group, which was set up in May of this year to review the Parish’s financial governance, processes and procedures, for their tireless work."

The Parish Hall will be unavailable for hire while the repair works are underway, and some public meetings might be relocated, but the Parish Hall is otherwise expected to remain open as usual.

Anyone with concerns or questions can contact Grouville's customer services team on 852225 or at

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