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Hannah Maden-Adams, WhizzDog: Five things I would change about Jersey

Hannah Maden-Adams, WhizzDog: Five things I would change about Jersey

Friday 03 November 2017

Hannah Maden-Adams, WhizzDog: Five things I would change about Jersey

Friday 03 November 2017

Founder of, professional marketer, mummy to a one-year-old little girl... and a two year old dog, Hannah Maden-Adams wears many different hats throughout the course of one day. Originally from London, she was enticed to the Rock by her Jersey Bean husband in 2014.

Just a week after launching her dog-friendly directory, Hannah has taken some time away from scooping the latest dog-friendly shops, restaurants and hotels to tell us the five things she would change about Jersey.

1. A dog-friendly beach in the summer

I couldn’t allow this article to slip by without at least one doggy-related item! It makes complete sense for the benefit of all beach users that dogs are required to be kept on leads during the summer months.

Dog beach

Pictured: Dogs like to have fun on the beach too!

But some of our beaches are really very big, especially when the tide is out; so couldn’t just one of them be open to allowing our four legged friends to run around freely to enjoy the nice weather? 

2. A little R.E.S.P.E.C.T ... for the Highway Code

Controversial… but something that really bugs me in Jersey is the all-too-frequent failure to indicate whilst driving.  Then there’s failure to comply with speed limits - people driving consistently at 30mph in a 40mph or a 20pmh zone drives me mad.

Speedometer car speed

Pictured: Nothings grinds Hannah's gear like speeders.

Also, whilst it’s kind and polite to allow drivers to pull out of junctions and driveways, please check your rear view mirrors first as you might find other drivers slamming their brakes behind you… Of course this doesn’t apply to everyone, but it happens a lot!

3. Bring in kerb-side recycling!  

Whilst there are recycling bins in locations across the Island, Jersey still makes recycling more difficult than it needs to be in 2017. When I lived in London, anything and everything was picked up on the kerb-side and you didn’t even have to split your recycling into separate bins.


Pictured: Jersey has a great recycling centre, but not everyone has time to drive to it says Hannah.

Once I’ve cared for my 1 year old, been to work, walked the dog and carried out my numerous daily chores, there’s not a lot of time left for an hour’s recycling session - think packing, transporting to car, driving to recycling facility, unloading into tiny bin holes. There are numerous private companies in the world who have been doing this for years – please can we entice one of them to Jersey.

4. Let's get digital!

For an Island with some of the best broadband and mobile data connections in the world, why is there so much paper pushing here? Tax Returns are a massive paper-based exercise every year. Although technically it’s my husband’s problem as Jersey doesn’t allow wives to handle tax affairs without permission, but that’s a different point!.

Blogger computer laptop phone

Pictured: "why is there so much paper pushing here?" wonders Hannah!

Let’s embrace online to make form submissions, online bookings, various admin duties, and so much more, quicker and easier!  I find it so frustrating when I’m asked to complete a form which I have to wait for in the post and then return via post. Importantly, we’ll also get to save the environment whilst we do it!

5. Supermarket food deliveries, how I miss you

In the same way that ‘pay by phone’ car parking has now made many of our lives easier - even though it’s been around for 10 years in the UK – online supermarket food ordering and deliveries are also a time saving game changer.

supermarket basket price goods food

Pictured: Food deliveries could help compare product prices more easily.

According to a 2013 survey, we spend an average of two hours per week doing food shopping. Let’s bring supermarket deliveries to Jersey to save us thousands upon thousands of hours and allow us to compare product prices more easily.

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and not those of Bailiwick Express.


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