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Haute Vallée student saves the day for St Helier

Haute Vallée student saves the day for St Helier

Monday 13 March 2017

Haute Vallée student saves the day for St Helier

Monday 13 March 2017

St. Helier won't be left without a male ambassador after all, as Ryan Guthrie (13) swooped in at the last minute to fill in the role of Junior Mr St. Helier.

Just 24 hours before the event, it looked like no one was going to come forward, leading Express to appeal for last minute volunteers.

But in the end, it was all right on the night, as Ryan stepped up, joining fellow Haute Vallée student, Zita Morais (14) and Christianna Knight (18) from Hautlieu, who have been elected Junior Miss and Miss St. Helier.

The three young ambassadors were elected on Saturday during a jungle-VIP tea party held in St. Helier parish hall attended by Constable Simon Crowcroft. 

Before they get the chance to step on the Battle of Flowers float, they will get to attend a series of events starting with the Parish Easter egg hunt. Regarding their schedule, Dee Cousins, secretary of St. Helier Battle of Flowers Association, "It's quite packed and a big job for them, but it's also lots of fun!"


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