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"It is clear Kristina Moore has overwhelming support"

Saturday 25 June 2022

"It is clear Kristina Moore has overwhelming support"

Saturday 25 June 2022

A poll-topping political newcomer who had hoped to become Chief Minister says he and his supporters are now throwing their weight behind Kristina Moore.

Former Jersey Royal Company owner Tom Binet, who secured the most votes in the district of St. Saviour with 1,541, had hoped to take on the top political position.

The move would have pitted the assisted dying and mental health reform campaigner against Chief Scrutineer Kristina Moore of the Better Way movement, who announced her goal to become the first woman to hold the role in May, and Reform Jersey leader Sam Mézec, who launched his Chief Ministerial bid after his party doubled its number of seat in the States Assembly.

"Full support" for Moore

But Deputy-elect Binet told Express this afternoon that his position had changed.

"Having consulted with fellow States Members-elect regarding the office of Chief Minister, it is clear that Kristina Moore has overwhelming support," he said.

"As a consequence, it would not be appropriate to pursue the office myself and, accordingly, I and my close supporters will add our full support to her campaign."

Common ground over Our Hospital?

It was understood that Mr Binet would have the backing of other political newcomers linked to the Friends of Our New Hospital group, who consistently challenged the outgoing government's plans for a £800m build at Overdale. Mr Binet's manifesto spoke of bringing the project under control "physically and financially".

Kristina Moore wrote in her manifesto: "With £100m already spent there is sufficient information available to revert to a dual site option without delaying the project. Doing so would save money now and for future generations."

Successful candidates in Wednesday's election have less than 48 hours left to nominate one of their fellow politicians for the role of Chief Minister, with nominations closing at 17:00 on Monday.

Other potential challengers

The Progress Party-Jersey Liberal Conservatives coalition had previously agreed to back Sir Philip Bailhache as Chief Minister.

However, the coalition only secured three seats: Sir Philip (JLC) in St. ClementMalcolm Ferey (JLC) in St. Saviour, and Steve Luce (Progress) in Grouville and St. Martin.

Previous Chief Minister Senator Ian Gorst previously told Express he wishes to remain Minister for External Relations - a position he said he was standing by in the early hours of Thursday morning. 

Pictured: Kristina Moore has the backing of St. John Constable Andy Jehan, as well as her colleagues of the Better Way movement, and now Mr Binet and his supporters.

Previous Chief Ministerial candidate and current Deputy Chief Minister Lyndon Farnham, who scraped into the fourth seat in the western 'super-district' of St. Mary, St. Peter and St. Ouen, has not stated his intentions.

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