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Laura Pérez, Festival of Words: Five things I would change about Jersey

Laura Pérez, Festival of Words: Five things I would change about Jersey

Friday 29 September 2017

Laura Pérez, Festival of Words: Five things I would change about Jersey

Friday 29 September 2017

Laura Pérez has spent her time firmly planted in the lively world of literature after the Literary Festival launched on Wednesday. As one of the organisers, this bibliophile has spent her days helping promote the joys of reading to an island audience – from the wizarding wonderland of Harry Potter to historical female heroes and philosophy.

But amid "busy and exciting times" for the committee, Laura told us the five things she would change about Jersey.

1. Keep your umbrellas for the course!

There is a reason they are called golf umbrellas! They are meant for when playing golf, not walking down King St, ricocheting off fellow golf umbrellas, threatening passing eyeballs!

Golf course

Pictured: Golf umbrellas do not belong to the high street.

Definitely time to make them socially unacceptable in town. 

2. A little "thank you" goes a long way

I get very frustrated how many people don’t say thank you or acknowledge another who has done something for them. If someone stops to let you cross, pull out in your car, climb the stairs before them, or holds a door for you, just give them a little nod and smile.


Pictured: Jersey would be a better place if more islanders gave thanks.

It’s really no effort and makes such a different to our Island’s culture! 

3. Don't ride solo at rush hour

I am continually shocked by how many cars on the Avenue early in the morning only have one occupant. If we could change this, it would make such an impact on the roads and do our bit for the planet.

driver road traffic cars travel

Pictured: When the avenue is packed, solo drivers should be banned says Ms Pérez.

While I’m at it, I’d ban anyone sat in a carpark with their engine running for no good reason. Why do they do it?

4. It's not just about sport!

We are an Island with a strong sporting culture, which is brilliant, but I think there isn’t the same focus or effort to bring over the cultural equivalent events (though at Jersey Festival of Words we are doing our bit in a big way!).

Graffiti south Bank

Pictured: Jersey should follow the example of the South Bank in London, known among other things for its street art.

Look at the South Bank in London or European cities, and all the interesting, inclusive and diverse events held there - can’t we have a bit more of that for Jersey? Some creative inspiration would benefit us all and attract further visitors.

5. Let's show some love for our library!

I love our local library. For children and adults alike, it’s a place to be inspired, seek peace and sanctuary, or meet like-minded people. You see Libraries closing in the UK and it’s such a shame and such a loss to the community.


Pictured: There is more than books at the Library.

Ours is very well used but I would love even more people to visit and feel the benefits, emotional and intellectual. Even if reading is not your thing, there’s something for everyone, such as the computers, talks, workshops and even the Barclays Eagle Lab. 3D printing is just so cool!

The views expressed in this piece are those of the author and not those of Bailiwick Express.

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