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Political comeback trail for ex-minister

Political comeback trail for ex-minister

Friday 08 August 2014

Political comeback trail for ex-minister

Friday 08 August 2014

Former Home Affairs Minister Andrew Lewis is making a bid to re-enter politics by running in St Helier No 3 in October.

Mr Lewis – a PR man who runs BWI Jersey and who served a single term in St John between 2005 and 2008 – says it’s an important time for Island politics.

There are four seats in St Helier No 3 district but there will be a vacancy in October: Deputies Jackie Hilton, Mike Higgins and Richard Rondel are expected to stand again, but Deputy Andrew Green is running for “promotion” to the Senatorial benches as he pushes to become the next Health Minister.

Mr Lewis (50) is a former chairman of the Institute of Directors and Youth Court panelist, and is the current chairman of the St John Youth and Community Trust.

He said: “St Helier is fundamental to the Island’s future.

“The district not only has a strong family connection for us but it also faces some important challenges in the years to come which I fear could get lost in the wider considerations of Jersey’s political future.

“For example my experience as a Youth Court Panelist has highlighted to me the need to focus on the young of our Island and prepare them for the future, not just repair the damage in their lives when they reach court.

“We are fortunate that we live in a relatively safe society, however we should not take this for granted. If elected I would work tirelessly with all appropriate agencies to ensure that the town of St Helier and the surrounding districts are keep safe, clean and desirable places in which to live and work.”


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