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Marathon effort to fix vandalised school property

Marathon effort to fix vandalised school property

Monday 19 September 2016

Marathon effort to fix vandalised school property

Monday 19 September 2016

A new primary school teacher at La Moye is getting his pupils in training for a marathon effort to raise money and fix some school property that got vandalised this Summer.

Peter Clayton is hoping to get at least 30 children signed up to do the Standard Chartered 3K Fun Run with him in a few weeks' time.

Mr Clayton has just moved to the Island to take on the role as Year 5 teacher and arrived to find one of the School's outdoor learning lodges had been broken into during the holidays.

He said: "We have these outdoor learning lodges that are like log cabins that we use as part of our outdoor learning. We've got a bit of a woodland at the back and we think youths had broken in, broke a hinge on the door, damaged the roof and one of the windows and left a load of cigarette butts. They caused about three hundred pounds' worth of damage. We are still able to use them, we just haven't got the funds to repair them."

"We've also got some really old play equipment that has been condemned and we eventually need to build a whole new facility that will cost around £20,000. In the meantime we need to spend about another £2000 to make the equipment we have safe for the children to use.

"This presents us with a great opportunity to show children what it is like to take part in a Marathon and helps us to teach children about perseverence, courage and teamwork.

"I love sport and I thought it would be great for the kids to run and i've been forced into wearing a dress in front of all the children which i've said I'll do if I get over £50.00. Some of the children have got some whacky ideas too.

"I hope we get a good crowd, we’ve got about 100 children that are the right age to do it and I’ll be doing a little bit of training with them next week and the week after."

If you’d like to support the school's fundraising, you can contact Peter Clayton by emailing here.


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