Saturday 28 September 2024
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Sexual assault survivors to benefit from charity wash bag initiative

Sexual assault survivors to benefit from charity wash bag initiative

Saturday 28 September 2024

Sexual assault survivors to benefit from charity wash bag initiative

Saturday 28 September 2024

Sexual assault survivors will now be given a wash bag when they visit the island's referral centre, thanks to a partnership between a UK charity and the Queen.

In Kind Direct is a charity working in partnership with Queen Camilla to provide survivors of rape and sexual abuse with a wash bag at sexual assault referral centres across the UK.

The charity recently approached the team at Dewberry House, Jersey's sexual assault referral centre, who readily accepted the donations.

The local centre will have its supply replenished by In Kind Direct at regular intervals throughout the year.

Each wash bag contains personal care items donated by Boots – including shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, a comb, lip salve and a toothbrush.

They represent a small gesture of comfort during a highly distressing time for clients.

Dewberry House Manager Katie Donnelly explained how, for sexual assault survivors, this gift is something special.

“You’re in the most difficult position that you’ve been in, she said.

All your control has been taken away. So, to give them a wash bag to enable them to go home have a shower with everything they need to help them feel clean and fresh is the start of the journey to recovery.

“Now, they can do that with something they’ve been given by the Queen. Knowing that she is such an advocate for survivors of sexual assault, that’s just lovely. It’s personal.

“We’re just grateful to be a part of it and to have them come to us and offer it as well.”

In the instances when a Dewberry House client has undergone a forensic medical examination, they are offered the chance to have a shower and are given fresh clothing, as their own clothing can often be needed as evidence.

Kate explained: “The forensic examination can take up to eight hours. It can be exhausting, so having a wash bag with all the essentials provided is one less worry after such a traumatic experience.

“Having shower cleanses you. One of the first things a victim tends to do after a sexual assault or examination is have a shower or bath.

“This is a really nice gift to give someone when they’re in their time of need.”

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