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Health Scrutineer to stand for re-election

Health Scrutineer to stand for re-election

Saturday 07 May 2022

Health Scrutineer to stand for re-election

Saturday 07 May 2022

A Scrutineer, who recently helped protect dairy and agricultural fields from development, is standing for re-election as an independent candidate in St. Helier.

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat, who first joined the States Assembly in 2018, is hoping to take one of four seats in the newly created St. Helier North District, which expands her current constituency, St. Helier 3/4.

She is currently chair of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny panel, Vice-chair of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee, and member of the Planning Committee, Legal Advisory Panel, Policy and Procedure Committee, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and Future Hospital Review Panel.

“Having chaired the Health and Social Security Scrutiny panel for four years, a number of significant reviews have been completed, and I seek re-election from the public to ensure that the recommendations are implemented, particularly for mental health services," she said.

“It has been a privilege to serve the community and to be able to save a number of green fields which had been put forward for development.

“If re-elected I will continue to serve the district to the best of my ability and the Island as a whole.”

Deputy Le Hegarat had a number of victories in the recent Bridging Island Plan debate, including ensuring that fields in St. Ouen and St. Helier were not rezoned for housing.

Jersey's election is taking place in June.

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