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Vandals daub bunkers with 40 swastikas

Vandals daub bunkers with 40 swastikas

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Vandals daub bunkers with 40 swastikas

Wednesday 23 August 2017

The hunt is on for the vandals who’ve spray painted around 40 swastikas on bunkers at Noirmont.

Jersey Police say they don’t know when the incident happened, but that it was reported to them yesterday.

The vandals used black and gold paint and targeted three bunkers owned by the Jersey branch of the Channel Island Occupation Society.

It’s not believed the vandals were politically motivated.


The Jersey branch of the CIOS was set up in 1971 to record and preserve the island’s five years of Nazi occupation, and to educate future generations. The restoration and preservation of bunkers, tunnels, and gun emplacements is one of the society’s highest priorities. Over the years teams of volunteers have spent hundreds of hours clearing rubble from the buildings, and attempting to make them look as they would have in the 1940s.

The Noirmont strongpoint – or Batterie Lonthringen – is one of the society’s showpieces, and includes numerous bunkers including a distinctive command tower. The society say they’ll try and clean up the graffiti as soon as they have the opportunity.



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