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Warning after "several" fire remains found at Val de la Mare

Warning after

Thursday 01 August 2024

Warning after "several" fire remains found at Val de la Mare

Thursday 01 August 2024

Jersey Water is reminding islanders that BBQing and lighting fires is "strictly prohibited" on its land after the remains of several fires were discovered at Val de la Mare reservoir.

There has been an increase in people using disposable BBQs and lighting fires at the site during the warmer weather, according to the water utility company.

Members of the local charity Jersey Trees for Life, who look after the botanical collection of trees at Val de la Mare, have found charred areas of ground and branches near the arboretum on "more than one occasion" in recent weeks.

Signage advising visitors not to light BBQs and fires has also been removed from the reservoir.

Jersey Water’s Asset Manager, Mark Bowden said: “We absolutely welcome islanders using and enjoying our reservoirs and other public access areas, but we do ask that they respect our land by adhering to a few important guidelines.

"BBQing and lighting fires is not allowed and with good reason.

With the hot weather we’ve been experiencing, it poses a real risk of more widespread fire, which would have devastating implications for flora and fauna.

"There are designated spots around the Island for BBQing so please use those and not our land.”

John Michel from Jersey Trees for Life added: “The fires and BBQs at Val de la Mare are concerning to us, as was the removal of our warning notice.

Fires can cause serious damage to the environment and wildlife, especially in dry weather. We therefore urge all visitors to keep this in mind and remain respectful.”

Both Jersey Water and Jersey Trees for Life will be closely patrolling Val de la Mare, and have requested the return of the missing signage.

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