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WATCH: Things I would change about Jersey - the word on the street

WATCH: Things I would change about Jersey - the word on the street

Friday 23 March 2018

WATCH: Things I would change about Jersey - the word on the street

Friday 23 March 2018

For this week’s “Five things I would change about Jersey”, we’re doing things slightly differently.

A team of three Highlands College Media Studies students – Matthew du Feu, Breanna Matson, and Brooke Walker – took to the streets of St. Helier with their video cameras to find out what you, the public, would change about the island.

So this week, not only do you get the chance to read about some of things people would like to see changed, you get to see and hear the contributors.

Video: here's what you said...

Not surprisingly – with the General Election looming – many of the shoppers stopped by the students wanted to see new politicians in the States. 

Younger islanders wanted to see more facilities and opportunities for people of their own age. Many of those stopped feel they’re getting a raw deal, and that the island only plays lip service to their needs. More youth clubs, and a revived Fort Regent were amongst the many suggestions put forward.

Affordable housing and childcare were also on the list of things many islanders would like to see available. Others complained about the poor standard of accommodation and that for some properties, landlords wouldn’t allow families to move in, something the States have recently voted to tackle. 

And then, of course, there was the weather!


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