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We're paying the price for online shopping

We're paying the price for online shopping

Wednesday 08 April 2015

We're paying the price for online shopping

Wednesday 08 April 2015

Jersey Post say that they're being forced to raise prices after the number of letters being posted dropped 11% in a single year.

An increase in parcels from internet shopping means that posties are delivering to 1,000 more addresses during the week than they were in 2013, but with fewer stamps being sold for letters, Islanders are paying the price for their busier rounds.

From 24 April it will cost you 47p to post a letter under 100g to someone in the Island and 57p to send it off to someone in the UK, the Isle of Man or one of the other Channel Islands.

Sending a letter to Europe will cost you 64p, that’s up 2p, and if you want to send one anywhere else in the world it will cost you 75p, up an extra 3p.

Jersey Post’s Chief Executive Tim Brown said: “We understand that price increases have an impact for our customers but hope they will appreciate the reasons for the changes and recognise that we have tried to keep any increase as small as possible.

“We passionately believe that the services provided by Jersey Post represent great value for money, and that these new prices should have a minimal impact on most Islanders; the average household spends just £1 per week on postal services.

“In addition, we will continue to look at ways that we can support the community, for example, offering discounts on key stamp prices at Christmas, as well as providing tiered discounts for heavier users of the postage system.”

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