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On your marks... get set... fly!

On your marks... get set... fly!

Wednesday 18 September 2024

On your marks... get set... fly!

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Islanders are being given the chance to see Jersey's runway from a "unique perspective" later this month as part of a running event to raise money for Jersey's neurodivergent community.

Organised by Ports of Jersey and taking place on Thursday 26 September at 8pm, 'Run the Runway' will be raising money in aid of AllMatters Neurodiverse Jersey, which aims to promote understanding and awareness of neurodiversity across the island.

The original idea started in 2019 as a way for the Ports of Jersey to be able to help their chosen local charities but, due to covid, islanders were instead challenged to a virtual event where they covered 109.7km - the equivalent distance of 21 Runways - in 21 days.

In 2021 the virtual event has 123 single entries and 29 team entries and the distance was based on the 21 destinations that was going to be on the 2021 airport summer timetable.

The event raised over £10,000 and shared between the Ports chosen charities at the time.


Pictured: Previous participants 'flying' down the runway.

Nowadays, the event is only held three times a year at a limit of 99 people.

"There are not many places in the world where you can access an airport runway, let alone be able to run up and down it," said a spokesperson for the Ports of Jersey.

All participants must be over the age of 12 (12 to 16-year-olds must be accompanied by an adult) and are required to have a security check and provide personal photographic identification.

"Everyone is led out to runway together and brought back together and the Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Team finish the event with their appliances following the runners up the runway. It really is quite a special experience," the spokesperson added.

Previous charities the Ports have supported this year include Family Nursing and Homecare, Macmillan and AllMatters Neurodiverse who are next to host the event.

"Ports of Jersey are very fortunate to have AllMatters Neurodiverse as one of their charity partners this year and we have been working closely with providing training and neurodiversity throughout the business." they said.

They continued "Charities are having a really challenging time, so any publicity to raise awareness and fundraising is vital at the moment."


Pictured: "There are not many places in the world where you can access an airport runway, let alone be able to run up and down it!" 

Niamh Mc Dermott, Co-Founder of AllMatters Neurodiverse Jersey, encouraged people to sign up, saying it would "make a real difference in our community".

"By participating, you are helping us to raise awareness of Neurodiversity while also helping us to raise much needed funds for the charity," she explained.

"We are a volunteer-led charity – no one takes any wages for the work they do. Every penny raised goes towards supporting the ND community on the island.

"We are the only registered charity on the island that was founded by and run by all neurodivergent individuals.

"Don't miss this chance to have fun while doing good. Sign up now and help us make Jersey a neuro-inclusive island."


Find out more about the event and how you can sign up by clicking HERE.

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