Whilst I absolutely support giving those genuinely in need a gift bonus of £100, I struggle to understand the logic of this so called gift to the island!
I think this £100 should come with an enclosed ‘Return to Sender’ envelope and this very simple message to The Government of Jersey: "Thank you, but no thanks, please use this tax payer's money to provide permanent homes for the homeless, create a universal basic income and build homes that people can actually afford to rent or buy."
The government has no money of its own, only the money they receive from the tax payers and they have a duty to invest it wisely.
This gift is not a wise investment and should be rejected by all who have no need of it.
There are huge economic challenges ahead and the government needs to make sound decisions create good jobs, provide a fair taxation system and support those most in need.
I feel this £100 voucher for all is just a gimmick and will fail to inject any real boost to our under pressure economy.
We need much wiser economic decisions than this one, so... Please Return to Sender.
Robert Wareing-Jones