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BNP Paribas Jersey moves to new offices at JIFC

BNP Paribas Jersey moves to new offices at JIFC

Wednesday 10 January 2018

BNP Paribas Jersey moves to new offices at JIFC

Wednesday 10 January 2018

The BNP Paribas Jersey Group have moved to their new premises inside Building 1 of the International Finance Centre on The Esplanade.

As part of the move, the Group donated part of their existing equipment to charities and organisations.

David Myatt, Head of the Territory for BNP Paribas, commented: “By moving and integrating near 300 staff from three offices around town, onto two floors in one building, we will not only deliver commercial efficiencies, but also improve our staff well-being, happiness and productivity at work."

Under the project, the group introduced both 'agile' and remote working, as well as technology such as 'follow-me' printing, digital white boards, state-of-the-art audiovisual and conference facilities. All areas are also equipped with Wi-Fi access for collaborative working tools, intra-company chats, and smartphone-enabled technology.

Bear cub Jersey zoo

Pictured: BNP Paribas donated some of their IT equipment to charity - one of those was the Jersey Zoo, which received 15 monitors, computers, mice and keyboards.

Herman Wessels, Chief Operating Officer and Project Sponsor, added: “The premises colocation project allowed us to rethink and revolutionise the way in which we do business and interact with our colleagues, in Jersey and internationally.

“We were particularly pleased to share the benefit of our premises project with a number of educational, charitable and non-profit-making organisations in Jersey through donating existing IT equipment under our Group’s corporate social responsibility initiative.”

Among the beneficiaries of the donations were Durrell Zoo who received 15 monitors, computers, mice and keyboards and the White Knight Foundation, which received approximately 350 monitors, computers, mice and keyboards, as well as six servers, who are due to be installed across schools in Jersey. Janvrin School and Highlands College also received smart boards and projectors.

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