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New jobs created by language specialists

New jobs created by language specialists

Wednesday 29 April 2015

New jobs created by language specialists

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Nine jobs will be created when international corporate translation firm Tongue Tied moves its offices to Jersey in June.

The company, which has been trading for 24 years and which has offices in the UK and the US, will open its new Head Office on 1 June at Les Ormes.

Tongue Tied Ltd has 500 worldwide clients and oversee 4,000 in-country translators – their client base includes major firms such as Philips Electronics, IBM, BUPA, The Thomas Cook Group and The Body Shop.

The firm also spent seven years working with the London 2012 Olympics team on their successful bid to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Director John Shouler said: “Tongue Tied are more than a translation agency, we are a ‘single source supply’ of translators, interpreters and conference equipment, in all languages and in all formats.

“We very much look forward to welcoming new clients in Jersey and continuing to provide a high level of service to our existing client base across the financial and commercial sectors.

“We look forward to living and working in Jersey, creating local jobs, becoming a part of Island life and contributing to the local community, charities and sports associations.

“I must add that the move would not have been possible without the continued professional support of the staff at Locate Jersey who helped us with the process of relocating Tongue Tied’s Head Office to the Island.”

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