Islanders are being urged to recycle last year’s directories to help fund book vouchers for primary schools.
In addition, telecoms provider JT is supporting Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust by suggesting Islanders make a £1 for any additional copies of the 2014 directory. And the school that collects the most phone directories will be rewarded by telecoms provider JT with a special day at Durrell.
Old directories can be taken to recycling points around the Island including parish halls the town centre and primary schools when they reopen for the autumn term. Local businesses are also urged to recycle old office directories.
JT has 10,000 copies available for collection from Grande Marché St Helier, Jersey Post in Broad Street and Rue des Prés, and Durrell.
Stephanie Moore, corporate relations officer at Durrell said: “We are very pleased that JT has pledged to donate funds to Durrell from the optional £1 suggested for additional copies of the 2014 phone directory. We hope that everyone gets on board with the recycling programme and that those who require additional copies will dig deep, as their contribution will naturally help Durrell in achieving its own environmental commitments.”
JT’s recycling scheme includes the Books for Books project which once again rewards primary schools with a £10 book voucher for every 100 directories collected and is organised to enable Islanders to drop their old directories at one of the island-wide collection points, and help spread the message among youngsters of the importance of recycling.
Tamara O’Brien, Head of Marketing, Brand and Distribution at JT, said: “We have once again made collection easy by having Islandwide drop offs and we are very grateful to all of our partners, including Durrell for helping us in this initiative. In a further step to help us in our commitment to being green we have digitised our directory information with the iPhone App and resource.”
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