The Jersey Chamber of Commerce fully endorses the need for Jersey to have fully comprehensive disability discrimination legislation. Any progressive economy lacking in a plan to handle the scope of issues, such as disability, sex and age discrimination, will lack credibility in the eyes of its peers and indeed amongst interested parties looking to invest within the island.
It is therefore, encouraging that government, early in the consultation process, has chosen to engage with the business community, so that their input in drafting the proposed law will be considered and hopefully take account of as the strategy is agreed and taken forward.
Chamber fully appreciates the breadth and depth of all the issues, many of which might be termed legacy factors, especially with regards accessibility to older buildings.
The Chamber of Commerce Special Advisor for Discrimination Legislation and Sustainable Business, Jim Hopley said: “It is absolutely right that every single member of society in Jersey has full and fair access around the island. Of course, with older buildings there will be financial and practical challenges, and small and medium sized businesses are likely to be the organisations that find any change to their building or office space the most challenging. That is why early consultation is vital with business owners so they have appropriate time to discuss potential issues with government.”
“Along with disability issues, the law will also ensure fair access to education, employment and enriching activities. Chamber fully supports any initiative that extends equal opportunities for everyone in these areas.”
“As the largest business representative organisation in Jersey, Chamber and its members are committed to positively engaging with government in all areas of disability legislation. However, businesses must be given adequate time and support from the States, to fully understand and prepare for any impact and change the legislative will have on their business.”
Chamber as an organisation will continue to be supportive of a progressive approach to the Disability Discrimination Law and we will be reaching out to all our members for comments, ahead of formally responding to the consultation.