Springfield School is the first school this academic year to be reviewed under the Jersey Schools Review Framework. The report can be reviewed in full online.
Three reviewers visited the school between 27 to 29 September, and observed 29 lessons, sampled students work, and held discussions with students and school leaders.
This is the first school review since 2020, when the process was paused following the outbreak of COVID-19.
The review team was led by an experienced off-Island education leader, who served as one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) for twelve years, including most recently as a Senior HMI. The review team also included one of Jersey’s most experienced headteachers, as a ‘peer reviewer’, and a senior advisor from the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES).
The review team’s work was informed by feedback from parents and carers at the school, as well as information from the school and performance data from the Department.
The review, which will see each school assessed every three years, aims to evaluate: that pupils are in a safe, nurturing environment; the behaviour and personal development of pupils; the standards of teaching, learning and achievement; and the effectiveness of the schools' leadership.
Commenting on the report, Headteacher of Springfield School, Mal Robson, said: “I am delighted that the recent school review has highlighted the real strengths of our school and reflects the hard work the staff put in every single day to ensure the best possible progress and achievement for all children.
“I especially welcome the recognition that we have achieved previous recommendations to improve students’ personal and social development.
“I would like to thank the review team for their professionalism throughout the process and for the thorough feedback provided, meaning we have clear recommendations to work on to improve our practice even further. I’d also like to thank all the school staff, who continue to work cooperatively, effectively, and passionately to ensure that we provide pupils with a caring environment where they can achieve their best.”
Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Inna Gardiner, said: “This is a very positive review for Springfield School, and it is a result of the hard work of staff in driving up standards, managing behaviours, and making students feel safe and welcomed.
“School reviews offer us a regular, independent overview of our schools. However, they are not the only part of the improvement cycle. Staff in CYPES will continue work closely with Springfield School throughout the academic year to support further improvements as needed.”
Further Information about the Jersey Schools Review Framework is available from www.gov.je/jerseyschoolsreviewframework.
The Jersey Schools Review Framework was piloted across Government schools from 2016 – 2019. The framework has been independently evaluated by a leading academic, who has published school and system-wide reviews in the UK and internationally, including for the OECD and for the National College of Education.
Each assessment is undertaken by an independent external lead reviewer, experienced in conducting reviews in other jurisdictions, as well as a Senior Adviser from the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) and senior school leaders currently working in Jersey schools. The review team will speak to pupils, consult parents, meet with and survey staff, look at pupils’ work, observe lessons and review school data.
Following each review, the school, parents and CYPES will receive a short report of the findings which will be available on the Jersey Schools Review Framework webpage, where parents and carers can watch videos and read factsheets in English, Polish and Portuguese to find out more about the process.