The former head of the commercial department at Collas Crill is to release the second edition of "Kirk on Guernsey Company Law", anticipated for release in November.
Written by consultant Ian Kirk and published by Key Haven Publications Limited, the book was first published in 2009. The new edition incorporates the many changes to the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 since it came into force and the developments in case law since 2008.
"Kirk on Guernsey Company Law" is a comprehensive review of Guernsey company law, focusing on the types of company available in Guernsey (including protected cell companies and incorporated cell companies), the dividend and distributions regime, amalgamations, reconstructions and takeovers, the raising of capital and borrowing, the insolvency regime and the application of the "solvency test" in corporate transactions.
The new edition will be an invaluable guide to professional advisers (including lawyers and accountants), insolvency practitioners, directors, company secretaries and company administrators.
Advocate Kirk said: "The first edition was really well-received by a wide range of professionals and service providers. However, with significant changes to the law and new case law, the time is right to release a second, more up-to-date edition for practitioners."