Entries are now open for the 2014 Harbour Carnival which will take place on Friday 29 August in St Peter Port.
Event organisers, the Guernsey Round Table, are inviting entrants to the Ladies Dingy Race, the Raft Race, the Tug of War and the Man-Powered Flight, all of which were tightly contested last year. Application forms can be downloaded from http://www.harbourcarnival.gg where more details on Harbour Carnival can also be found.
Mike Ozanne of the Guernsey Round Table said: ‘The races tend to fill up fairly quickly so if you are thinking of entering, please do so sooner rather than later. If you fancy making sure the RNLI don’t win the Raft Race again or wish to beat the Heritage Hippos in the Ladies Dingy Race, do get your entries in.’
Lisa Barnett, from RBC Wealth Management, sponsors of the Harbour Carnival said: ‘Now in our seventh year of supporting this wonderful family event, RBC staff will certainly be stepping up to enter each of the races. With the Guernsey Sports Commission’s Street Sports programme as this year’s main beneficiary, we hope as many people as possible will come along and support the event and help raise much needed funds for this great community initiative.’