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ADVICE: How to stay safe as temperatures soar?

ADVICE: How to stay safe as temperatures soar?

Friday 09 August 2024

ADVICE: How to stay safe as temperatures soar?

Friday 09 August 2024

With temperatures expected to soar beyond 30°C this weekend, islanders have been given advice on how to look after themselves and other vulnerable people during a heatwave.

Extreme heat can cause exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration, with older people and children particularly at risk, the government said.

Temperatures could go as high as 31°C on Sunday.

Steps Islanders can take to stay cool during the hot spell include:

  • Avoid going outside during the hottest time of day 11am to 3pm

  • Leave strenuous activities for later on in the day when it is cooler

  • Take cold baths and showers

  • Drink plenty of water and avoid coffee and alcohol

  • Keep your home cool by closing curtains, opening windows, and using fans

  • Wear a hat and loose light clothing, try to stay in the shade and carry water with you

  • Wear sun cream when going outside


The latest weather forecast can be found here.

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