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Artists locked-in inside Elizabeth Castle

Artists locked-in inside Elizabeth Castle

Saturday 30 September 2017

Artists locked-in inside Elizabeth Castle

Saturday 30 September 2017

12 artists from around the world, including two locals, will be locked-in inside Elizabeth Castle for ten days as part of the latest ArtHouse Jersey's residency.

Musician, field-recordist and studio experimenter David De La Haye, and performer and theatre-maker Henry Lambert will be the two Jersey representatives among the international group of filmmakers, choreographers and visual artists taking part.

Organised in association with WildWorks and Jersey Heritage, the Artist Lock-In is a professionally facilitated residency project. It aims to bring artists of a variety of disciplines - music, dance, visual arts, literature, film, and performance - ages, backgrounds and experiences together so they can learn from each other and respond to their surroundings. The idea is to provide artists with time and space to consider new ways of working and collaborating with people of different practices 

The artists will be in residence at the castle from 1 to 10 October and will be taken through a series of tasks that encourage teamwork and creative thinking. As the residency progresses, the tasks will become more focused, enabling the artists to explore ideas and concepts in more depth, which in the past have resulted in larger projects being conceived after the Lock-In has finished. 

The Lock-In will be coordinated by Sue Hill, the Associate Director of WildWorks, a renowned international theatre company best known for its 2011 production of ‘The Passion’ with Michael Sheen in Port Talbot. 

Following a widespread appeal for artists to apply for ArtHouse Jersey’s 2017 Artist Lock-In residency, 12 artists from New York, Warsaw, Sweden, Portugal, Scotland, Wales, and England have been selected and will be travelling to Jersey to participate in the project. ArtHouse Jersey say they have been "hugely encouraged by the interest and enthusiasm that has been expressed towards the project."  

Tom Dingle, ArtHouse Jersey Director, said: “We were overwhelmed by the range and quality of the applications we received this year and are thrilled to have been able to make such a strong selection of artists. With Sue at the helm, they are sure to have a memorable and energising experience and we look forward to seeing the ideas and work that springs from it.”

ArtHouse Jersey will also be inviting local artists and A-level art students to the Castle to meet the artists and have a flavour of the Lock-In process. 

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