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Blue Islands launches course to conquer fear of flying

Blue Islands launches course to conquer fear of flying

Saturday 23 September 2017

Blue Islands launches course to conquer fear of flying

Saturday 23 September 2017

Blue Islands is bringing its Fear of Flying course to Jersey in November to help 20 local residents conquer their phobia.

The two-day course debuted in Guernsey earlier this year and is being brought to Jersey on 11 and 12 November with the help of Jersey Airport.

Rob Veron, Blue Islands CEO, said the popularity and impact of the Guernsey course convinced the airline to repeat it in Jersey. He explained: “Feedback from those on the first course showed there had been real, significant change from people who previously had been terrified of flying. One person went from having a panic attack just coming into the airport terminal on the first day, to being able to take the experience flight the next with no problems – it was incredible."

Mr Veron added that as a local airline, Blue Islands is committed to serve the "island communities and that includes going the extra mile where we can, with impactful initiatives such as these courses.”

The two-day course consists of an in-depth understanding of aircraft and the aviation environment with Blue Islands’ training manager Chris Stubbs, followed by an afternoon session with International Behavioural Change Coach and Trainer, Mo Harford Bury. The second day starts with a brief recap followed by an experience flight.

Amanda Bishop took the first course and has since been able to fly without any problems and described it as “life changing.” She said: “I was determined to do this course for my daughter's sake. She is 17 month’s old and I didn't want her picking up on my fear. I want to be able to go on holidays as a family. Even after I booked the course I thought it was going to be very unlikely I would get on the plane. The first day was so informative and reassuring. Chris Stubbs was fantastic in explaining the ins and outs of a plane and flying. Mo Harford Bury was an amazing speaker and really helped me to feel more comfortable about the whole experience. If it wasn't for her and for the rest of the people on the course, I don't think I would have boarded the plane. I have to admit I was worried what a plane full of nervous and anxious people would be like but we all did it together and I think we all had an amazing flight!”

Jersey Airport is supporting the course and Ports of Jersey Key Account and Marketing Director Myra Shacklady says: “Ports of Jersey is delighted to support Blue Islands with their initiative. Living on an island we are so reliant upon air links so it must be very daunting for those people whose travel plans are limited due to a phobia of flying. To my knowledge this is the first time such a course has been offered in Jersey and I am sure it will be of great benefit to those people who attend.”

Anyone who wishes to register an interest for the course can do so online before 30 September. The 20 participants will be chosen at random. 

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