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Could you house Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?

Could you house Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?

Saturday 18 May 2024

Could you house Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?

Saturday 18 May 2024

After previously building Narnia in a barn and Wonderland in a polytunnel, the Jersey Arts Centre is looking for space to construct the set for its Christmas production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The theatre charity issued a call on social media for anyone who may be able to help.

In a post on Facebook, the JAC said: "In the past we have created Narnia in a barn and Wonderland in a poly tunnel so we are happy to consider any weatherproof space that is dry, secure, has access to a power supply and with enough space to build and store."

Pictured: The set for JAC's production of 'Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass' was built in a poly tunnel.

The JAC is looking for a big enough space to start building in at the end of summer. 

The social media post explained: "We normally start work towards the end of September and the set is moved to JAC in the last week of November.

"Jersey Arts Centre is a charity, and we aim for our shows to break-even, but we are more than happy to acknowledge any help we are given in the publicity for the show."

Those who may be able to help out are asked to contact

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