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Evie Bertram, Miss Battle of Flowers & Battle Bee: Five things I would change about Jersey

Evie Bertram, Miss Battle of Flowers & Battle Bee: Five things I would change about Jersey

Friday 11 August 2017

Evie Bertram, Miss Battle of Flowers & Battle Bee: Five things I would change about Jersey

Friday 11 August 2017

She is Miss Battle of Flowers, he is the Battle's Mascot. She will be sharing a float with Jonny Labey, this year's Mr Battle during the Parade, he will be dancing and waving to spectators along the Avenue. Their schedule may have been buzzing in recent weeks, but they found the time to spill the beans on the five things they would change about Jersey.

At only 18 years old, Evangeline Bertram, mostly known as Evie, already has 14 years of Battle experience. From dancing to building floats, she had done almost everything one could in the parade. The title of 'Miss Battle' was the only thing missing - until this year.

1. Get them started early in politics

This one is a big one for me if anyone asks. I would like to see more young people involved in local politics. Young people of the island should get a say in what happens to the island. Maybe we could get a say in ongoing debates or have our own debate, and States Members could listen in. Obviously, we wouldn't decide anything because it will have to be passed through the States, but having an input would be a good start!

Evie Bertram Miss Battle 2017

Pictured: Evie, here with her mum and sister Melissa, started early at the Battle of Flowers, she wants others to start early in the field of politics.

There are States Chamber visits in primary schools, but I think it would be great if you could visit as you go further in school or even take part in a competition at younger ages. There is also the Peace Debate in the States Chamber, but that just covers one area. I think it should cover others, such as island politics. There are should also be more Youth Assemblies. It’s only between the elder years, so I think we should bring it right from Year 7. I was personally Involved in the Youth and Peace debates - it's a guilty pleasure for me! 

2. Put our beaches on the map

There is so much more we could do to advertise Jersey. We could get young people to make films about Jersey or invite film producers over to make short clips to try and really promote the island to bring more tourism.

Miss Battle of Flowers 2017 EVIE BERTRAM

Pictured: The 18-year-old girl wants to see Jersey beaches advertised better to show their "full glory."

There should definitely be more focus on the beaches. They are so beautiful and not many people know how beautiful they are because you can’t get the full glory from a photo. My favourite is Le Braye - it gets really busy in the summer but in the evening, but it is so beautiful and peaceful. It’s lovely.

3. A generation gap? More like a generation mix!

There is a TV programme about four-year-olds going into retirement homes (Old People's Home for 4 Year Olds), and I’d like to see something like that done in Jersey. Children are influenced by what they see around them or what goes on around them.

Evie Bertram Miss Battle 2017

Pictured: Evie (left) thinks local children have lots to learn from their elders.

To have the history the older generation holds fill the children’s minds at a young age would be brilliant. They would grow up and know their local history, know what is important and how other people feel about it. Children are sensitive to feelings and I think that’s something a few people lose as they get older. 

4. One for all and all for Battle!

Battle have found a really nice level now - we have a brilliant day parade and a brilliant Moonlight Parade. We have amazing ways of trying to sell Battle and advertise it. Now it’s down to the local people and tourists to come over and really get involved with it. Not just going to watch the parade, but help people behind the scenes as well. Lots of people don’t know how the floats are put together and how much effort, energy and time it takes. It is fun and brilliant, but it does take a lot of time.


Pictured: Miss Battle 2017 thinks that more islanders should get involved in the making of floats to see how much effort and energy goes into it.

It would be brilliant for more people to see this side of the 'making of' rather than just watching the parades, although it would be brilliant to have more spectators too!  We could promote this at festivals like The Weekender, as well as the Christmas parade, because people can help with that too.

5. Leave the car in the garage

For Jersey being such a small island, we have too many cars on our roads. I know we have things like the 'Walk to school week', but I think we could do more. If more people said when and where they are walking around and how they are doing, others could join. They could post on Facebook or Twitter, for example, because social media is the best way to make people alert and aware.

Miss Battle 2017 left to right Rowan Chateau, Catherine Richford and Evie Bertram,

Pictured: Evie with Catherine Richford and Rowan Chateau.

I think it would make everybody more active and could be really beneficial. The physical activity would help with mental health because it releases endorphins and it would also be a good way for islanders to get together as a community. We could have fundraisers or competition  to see the amount of steps people have taken or who has walked the most over the year. 

And now for a special guest...

Because it is Battle week, Express saved a special treat for its readers.

Here is a bonus Five things I would change about Jersey by none other than the Battle's Mascot, Battle Bee.

  1. I would make it Battle of Flowers every day! It’s the best day of the year – I love waving at all the crowds from my float and the atmosphere gives me a real ‘buzz’! 

  2. I would plant thousands of colourful flowers wherever I could!

  3. Have ‘Battle Bee Day’ once a year where schools hold a special assembly on bees and how the world needs us. My brothers and sisters may be small, but us bees are mighty important!

    Video: Evie and her Battle pal promote the flower fest at Liberty Wharf.

  4. I would build a ‘Battle of Flowers’ theme park with flowers everywhere, rides that look like floats and swimming pools full of sugar water for me to drink! I could be there welcoming all the guests with flower garlands and high fives!

  5. I would make it sunny everyday. It is hard to fly in all of this rain with wet wings! Of course, there is no need to ask for nice weather for Thursday… IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY ON BATTLE DAY!

    Battle Bee 2017 Evie Bertram

    Pictured: Battle Bee with Evie Bertram and Catherine Richford.

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