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INSIGHT: The bid to end "car dominance" in St. Helier

INSIGHT: The bid to end

Thursday 24 June 2021

INSIGHT: The bid to end "car dominance" in St. Helier

Thursday 24 June 2021

A huge overhaul of St. Helier's roads is coming if the island wants to hit its carbon targets... Express delves into a £130,000 report setting out how to end "car dominance" in Jersey's most populous parish by 2024.

Created by consultants Arup, the 'Stage 3 Report for its St. Helier Public Realm and Movement Strategy' touches on lower speed limits, new cycle routes, trees, creating more retail buzz, closing roads more often for public events and - you guessed it - tweaks to Broad Street as it sets out a strategy to make transport more eco-friendly around town.

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