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Police investigate "mindless destruction" at National Trust property

Police investigate

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Police investigate "mindless destruction" at National Trust property

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Police are investigating after an 18th-century farmhouse that was due to become a "community hub" allegedly saw its windows smashed, paint thrown around and its glass house destroyed.

The National Trust for Jersey confirmed today that police are investigating the damage and have collected forensic evidence at the Grade 3 listed La Ronde Porte in St Saviour.

La Ronde Porte was bequeathed to the Trust in 2022 by Philip "Bunny" Le Sueur, and is made up of a main two-storey farmhouse and several outbuildings.

The alleged vandalism took place at the St Saviour site on Tuesday 23 July.


Pictured: Damage at La Ronde Porte in St Saviour. (National Trust for Jersey)

The glass house attached to the property was "largely destroyed", according to the Trust.

In a statement released this afternoon, the charity said that every glass window in the main building was smashed, roof tiles were broken, paint thrown around, and doors kicked in.

National Trust for Jersey CEO Alan Le Maistre explained the heritage organisation had just gained approval to install services and make the main house habitable as part of plans to turn the site into "a community hub to support rural enterprise and the agricultural industry".

“It is heartbreaking to witness such mindless destruction," he said.


Pictured: The main farmhouse before it was damaged. (National Trust for Jersey)

The historic property features a Jersey range, cow barns and an apple crusher, as well as brick paviours.

It is slightly set back from Grande Route de St Martin and also includes a farmyard and a corbelled fireplace with bread oven.

The Trust previously shared hopes of restoring the property, but admitted that finding the funds to do so would be a "significant challenge".


Pictured: The glass house was almost completely destroyed, according to the Trust. (National Trust for Jersey)

The Trust asked those living in the area to keep an eye out for "suspicious behaviour", and to report any information to the police on 612612.

The police have confirmed that an investigation is ongoing.

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