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Man jailed for 10 months for assaulting former partner

Man jailed for 10 months for assaulting former partner

Tuesday 30 July 2024

Man jailed for 10 months for assaulting former partner

Tuesday 30 July 2024

A "controlling and possessive" 22-year-old man who assaulted his former partner has been jailed for 10 months for domestic abuse and several other offences.

In the Magistrate's Court yesterday, Joao Francisco Oliveira Rodrigues was also sentenced for punching a man and possessing cannabis after a football match in July 2022, fighting with another man in the street on March 2023, and stealing a bicycle from a garden in St Helier.

Rodrigues, who moved to Jersey aged 18, physically and verbally abused his ex-partner during an incident in February this year.

She was left "terrified" and concerned for her and her child's welfare, the court heard.

Rodrigues – who suspected his partner was having an affair – pushed and slapped her, and pulled her hair after smashing her phone.

Sentencing Rodrigues, Magistrate Bridget Shaw said: "You showed complete disregard for your partner and made her feel unsafe in her own home.

"You caused very significant mental and emotional harm to your partner."

Advocate Adam Harrison, prosecuting, described Rodrigues' behaviour as "controlling and possessive".

Advocate Heidi Heath, defending, argued against a prison sentence.

She said a carpenter was aware of the case against Rodrigues but was ready to give him a job, and that he would be a "valuable addition" to the team.

But the Magistrate determined that a custodial sentence was necessary due to the seriousness of his offences and need to protect the victim.

Mrs Shaw said: "The controlling behaviour and aggressive jealousy that you have displayed poses a real risk for further domestic abuse."

She added that Rodrigues lost some credit for his early guilty plea by challenging facts which required a Newton hearing to be held. At this hearing, a judge determines the facts of a case before sentencing.

Rodrigues also breached bail conditions in April by contacting his ex-partner and visiting her home, the court heard.

For the assault, cannabis possession, breach of peace, and larceny, Rodrigues received a one-month sentence. An additional nine-month sentence was imposed for the domestic abuse charge, to run consecutively.

In addition to the 10-month prison sentence, Rodrigues was given a five-year domestic abuse protection order. This order prohibits him from contacting the victim and requires him to complete a healthy relationships course.

Mrs Shaw said: "It is necessary to protect her from further abuse, and I feel there is a lack of remorse."


Islanders affected by any of the issues raised in this report can contact any of the following:

Freeda (formerly Jersey Women’s Refuge) offer help and support for victims of domestic abuse. Tel: 0800 7356836.

Jersey Domestic Abuse Support (JDAS) is an independent service developed to protect and support victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Tel: 01534 880505. 

Victim Support offer free and confidential advice to victims of crime. Tel: 01534 440496. 

Victims First Jersey is a free and independent service offering confidential support to victims and witnesses of crime. Tel: 0800 7351612. 

Samaritans offer a confidential and non-judgemental listening ear to people who need to talk. Tel: 116 123 free from any phone or 0330 094 5717 (local call charges apply).

SARC at Dewberry House provides expert independent and confidential support to victims of sexual abuse. Tel: 01534 888222. 

Jersey Action Against Rape (JAAR) provide and maintain a supporting framework for survivors and their families. Confidential helpline: 01534 482800.

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