Friday 27 September 2024
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Man sentenced for historic sexual offences

Man sentenced for historic sexual offences

Friday 27 September 2024

Man sentenced for historic sexual offences

Friday 27 September 2024

A 43-year-old man has been sentenced for sexually assaulting a young girl almost 30 years ago.

John Larose was today sentenced in the Magistrate's Court to a one-year binding over order, a one-year sex offender notification order, and a 10-year restraining order in relation to five charges of historic sexual abuse.

During a court appearance last month, Larose pleaded guilty to committing two acts of gross indecency and three indecent assaults on a female child aged between five and 10 years old.

The abuse took place between 1990 and 1995, when Larose was aged between 10 and 15 years old.

An investigation commenced when the victim reported the abuse in 2023.

Investigating officer Detective Constable Caroline Foord said: “This is a case where the victim had been unable to disclose to anyone until several years later.

Recognising the courage that it took to come forward to police, we wish to reassure the public that police, and the services we work alongside, will do everything in our power to support victims of sexual abuse whether or not they wish to pursue a criminal case.”


The sexual assault referral centre at Dewberry House provides expert independent and confidential support to victims of sexual abuse. The team offers a wealth of knowledge and experience in advising, supporting and treating anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted. Call 01534 888222 or email

Jersey Domestic and Sexual Abuse Support offer specialist support and guidance in relation to domestic or sexual abuse incidents. Support is provided before, during and after any police investigation or court hearing. It is also available when police are not involved. Call 01534 880505 or email

Victims First Jersey is a free and independent service offering confidential support to victims and witnesses of crime. Call 0800 7351612 or email

Anyone who has concerns about suspected child sexual abuse or exploitation can contact the Safeguarding Partnership Board which helps agencies to work together to safeguard children and adults at risk. Reporting concerns about a child – call: 01534 519000, concerned about an adult – call 01534 444440

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